Big Time

This summer has been unreal.  The Heart to Hand showcase sold so much of my work – nearly forty pieces!  I’m busy with commissions and building my studio for the rest of the year.   I’m switching hats for August and September – acting as resident drywall-er for my new studio, and curator for an (BEAUTIFUL!!) exhibit of prairie art that is slated for January / February at the Saskatchewan Craft Council.  I basically have the show selected with the exception of a few last items. I am feel like I’m growing so much from the experience.

Glorious, 2013 detailMy new announcement is that I now have my work in the biggest gallery in the province. The MacKenzie Art Gallery of Regina has a huge, bright shop that now carries a few of my threadpaintings, ‘Wish You Were Here’ fabric postcards, and some special things for the holidays as well. That feel so amazing.

222611_10151433728879771_740424387_nThe work I had at the SK Craft Council Boutique in Saskatoon all sold in July, so I brought in a couple high-end pieces for them as well. They also carry my postcard series here in Saskatoon.

10154946_670902589634008_2086086085_nThere you have it!  If you would like to be on my email list for when I announce the open house for my new studio as well as the next exhibition of my work, send me an email to say so!  I’m at Monika@MySweetPrairie dot ca.  Thanks so much for checking in! 

Enjoy your summer.

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