Juried into ‘Prairies’ Show

I received great news about the Focus on Fibre Art Association’s upcoming biennial competition in Edmonton.  (Stitching, weaving, hooking, and knitting “competition” – sounds funny now that I am typing it!)  All three of my entries have been accepted.  I’m just awaiting the required custom-cut plexiglass to replace the real glass in one piece.  Then I will be able to ship them all off to Edmonton for the big show in May.  It will be touring a few places in Alberta until into the late autumn.  I’m really thrilled.  There are 85 entries and 3 are mine.  Wow!  I don’t love the idea of competition, and nearly chose not to enter anything.  I have to say though, I am secretly relieved to have completely different pieces of mine compete with each other.  That feels safe.  I have my own hand stitching vs machine threadpainting.  Pictured here is A Prairie City, 2014.  It was made with this show in mind.  I really enjoyed the buildings in my last pieces and thought I would go for BIG.  In terms of embroidery with thread, this is indeed big.  It measures 14″ across and is framed to 22″ wide.


I like this one.  It could be Saskatoon.  It could be Edmonton.  It could be Winnipeg, Regina….  That’s why I titled it as I did, so anyone living in a prairie city could appreciate it, and appreciated the fact that they are indeed planted smack-dab in the prairie even if they are urban dwellers.  I like the way the city is blurred out in grey far off on the horizon, whereas the prairie ditch is blooming in your face.  It’s my view.  I love how close we live to a dirt road and a ditch full of flowers.  The fence separates.  Then again, it doesn’t.  I like it that way.

There are hand dyed silks and threads in this one.  I just loved stitching it.  The original source photo was taken near Attridge and Circle Drive.  Past that field but before the city lies the South Saskatchewan River.  Still, while standing there taking the original photos, the city is also behind me.  I was in fact IN the city, between Sutherland and Silverspring.

I will be in Edmonton for the opening reception.  I can hardly wait to see it up there.  While I am there, I will be teaching a workshop to help pay my way as a curator.  It will be an excellent venue for me to find more pieces to consider for the show I’m putting together in Saskatoon in January 2015.  Looking forward to it!


Talk soon,

Monika K.

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